Patient Resources

We’re dedicated to providing you with current, trustworthy healthcare information and answering your questions about the most important healthcare problems facing rural Appalachians. All information on this website is regularly reviewed, updated, and approved for posting by an experienced doctor/curator.

General Health Information

  • COVID-19 Although we have much to learn, this we know: All available American vaccines and boosters are safe and effective for preventing serious disease and death from COVIRead MoreD-19. Wearing a multi-layered or N-95 mask when indoors and closer than 6 feet to others for 10 minutes or more is a good idea.


  • Breast Cancer The best protection is early detection. Women 40 and older should get a screening mammogram every year. For a new lump lasting more than a month or two, get examined by a healthcare professional, even if the mammogram is reported "normal".

  • This disease refers to cancer that develops in the colon and rectum. According to the CDC, colorectal cancer is the 4th most common cancer in both American men and women. More than 90% of cases occur in people age 50 and over.

    Colorectal Cancer Symptoms: Early-stage colorectal doesn't usually have any any symptoms, which is why men and women are advised to have a screening colonoscopy at 45. Detected and treated early, colorectal cancer is very curable! More advanced disease may cause rectal bleeding, blood in the stool, cramping and lower abdominal pain or a change in bowel habits, and its prognosis may not be as good.

    Tests that find polyps and cancer (Preferred by the American Cancer Society):

    • Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years
    • Double contrast barium enema every 5 years
    • CT colonography (Virtual colonoscopy) every 5 years
    • Colonoscopy every 10 years*

    Tests that mainly find cancer:

    • Fecal blood test every year
    • Fecal immunochemical test every year
    • Stool DNA test every three years
    • Yearly guaiac-based fecal occult blood test (gFOBT)

    *If test results are positive colonoscopy should also be done.

  • Pelvic exams are performed to examine the uterus and ovaries for size and position. Pap tests screen for cancer of the cervix.

    Pap Test recommended screening schedule
    Age 21–29: every three years.
    Age 30-65: test combined with the human papilloma virus HPV test every five years.*

    *Another option for women 30 and over is to get tested every three years with just the Pap test. Women over 65 with a history of normal Pap tests can stop screening. However, those who had a serious cervical pre-cancer should be tested for 20 years after the diagnosis, even beyond age 65.

    For 48 hours before the test, avoid sexual intercourse; douching; or using tampons, birth control foam or jellies, or other vaginal creams and medications.

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for US women. Protect yourself by having a cardiac disease risk assessment with your doctor. Then do all you can to lower your risk. Don’t smoke; avoid secondhand smoke, keep cholesterol and weight in healthy ranges; exercise regularly; eat right; and keep stress under control.

    Visit for more life saving information.

  • High blood pressure, called hypertension, can lead to strokes, heart attacks, and heart & kidney failure.

    Normal Range: Below 120/80

    Pre-hypertension: 120-129/80-89

    High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 1: 140-159/90-99

    High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Stage 2: 160+/100+

    Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency care needed): Above 180/110

    It’s recommended that adults age 20 and over should get a blood pressure screening at least once every two years; more frequently as directed by your doctor if over 120/80.

  • Cholesterol is a type of fat made by your liver and carried in your blood. You also get cholesterol from certain foods. Cholesterol readings measure your total body cholesterol, LDL and HDL. They also measure your triglycerides, another fat found in the body.

    LDL is known as bad cholesterol because it carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of the body. When too much LDL is in the blood, and gets deposited as plaque on the artery walls, it can lead to heart attack and stroke. A triglyceride level plus high LDL speeds up the clogging of arteries. HDL is known as good cholesterol because it carries cholesterol to the liver for elimination. the higher your HDL level, the more cholesterol can leave your body, lowering your risk for heart disease.

    Total Blood Cholesterol
    Less than 200 mg/dl = Desirable
    200-239 mg/dl = Borderline High
    240 mg/dl & over = High

    LDL Cholesterol
    Your LDL goal depends on your risk for heart disease and stroke. Ask your doctor to determine your risk.

    Less than 100 mg/dl = Optimal
    100-129 mg/dl Near or Above = Optimal
    130-159 mg/dl = Borderline High
    160-189 mg/dl = High
    190 mg/dl = Very High

    HDL Cholesterol
    Less than 150 mg/dl = Normal
    150-199 mg/dl = Borderline High
    200-499 mg/dl = High
    500 mg/dl & over = Very High

    Recommended Screening Schedule
    Your LDL goal depends on your risk for heart disease and stroke. Ask your doctor to determine your risk. Less than 50 mg/dl increases a woman’s heart disease risk. 20 & Over: Every 4 to 6 years; more frequently if directed by your doctor for increased risk for heart disease and stroke

  • There are three tests a doctor may use to detect and monitor diabetes and prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition in which a person’s blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be type II diabetes.

    It is recommended for individuals age 18-84 to get a blood glucose screening test if they are overweight and have other risk factors.* It’s recommended for people 45 & over to get a blood glucose screening test.

    *if test results are normal, retest every 3 years or more often depending on risk factors– speak with your doctor. If test results indicate prediabetes, retest annually.

    Fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) Ranges
    Less than 200 mg/dl = Desirable
    200-239 mg/dl = Borderline High
    240 mg/dl & over = High

    A1C test blood glucose ranges Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) Ranges (Two hours after glucose-rich drink) Less than 200 mg/dl = Desirable
    200-239 mg/dl = Borderline High
    240 mg/dl & over = High

    A1C test blood glucose ranges
    Less than 200 mg/dl = Desirable
    200-239 mg/dl = Borderline High
    240 mg/dl & over = High

  • Your weight affects more than just how you look. It can be a contributing factor in many diseases. If you need to lose weight, you’re not alone. Over 60% of American adults are overweight or obese, 30 or more pounds over a healthy weight.

    Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of your weight relative to your height. BMI is an indicator of total body fat, but has limitations. It may overestimate body fat in athletes and other who have a muscular build. To measure your waist, place a tape measure around your body at the top of your hip bone. This is usually the level of your belly button.

    If your weight, BMI, and waist size aren’t in healthy ranges, talk with your doctor about what actions to take.

    Underweight: Below 18.5
    Normal: 18.5 – 24.9
    Overweight: 25 – 29.9
    Obese: 30 & over

  • Substance Disorders come in many forms. They are serious, sometimes even fatal. They are difficult to treat, and treatment must be individualized. We can help.

Useful Websites

American Cancer Society:
American Diabetes Association:
American Heart Association:
Medline Plus:
National Osteoporosis Foundation:
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: